Thursday, 17 April 2008

Software used for digital graphics

Vector graphics software such as Visio are used in situation where the user has an image that needs to keep its quality even after it has been resized, bitmap images are noo good for this as they are created pixel by pixel.
Bitmap software, such as Paint is only really used for simple things, like print screening images then saving them, or other very simple editing, such as putting text on images, it has no layers so is very limited in what can be done.
Photo manipulation software, such as Photoshop are used to do advanced photo editing, the layer system in Photoshop allowes easy editing of each layer indevidually. Photoshop is also used to create website layouts and templates which are then cut up and used in different software to create the website.
Graphic facilities embedded within other application packages, such as Word are only really used because it is quick and easy, they are also usually vector images so they can be streched but will keep there quality.

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