Thursday, 22 May 2008

Define and document the client and user needs

Firstly my ncompany will need a new banner to advertise our new game, it will need to be a standard A3 sized poster with as little actual information as possible because it is only going to be used as a teaser poster, it will only need an image of one of the game characters, with the game creators, age certificate(18) and the games title: "Death By Turtle".

I will also need a game case front page to go with the poster, again it must have the games name on it and the quote "How will you survive?". It must also have an image of the main character on itas the focal point, it must also be a a variation of both dark and bright colours, to emphisise both aspects of the game, turtles and death.

The final thing i will need is a new small poster to be passed put by hand, a4 sized. The images again must also be very secretive and cannot give too much away, the iamges required for the poster will be included so you know what you can use. The colour scheme must also be very dark but with highlights of colour.

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